Fairness for all

Fairness for All: Case 12

The case below details how the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO) assisted a taxpayer with a complaint where the South African Revenue Service (SARS) had failed to pay out…

Fairness for All: Case 11

In the case below, both the taxpayer and SARS failed to follow the correct procedures, resulting in a cycle of invalidations of the taxpayer’s objection.

Fairness for All: Case 10

It sometimes happens that taxpayers and taxpayer representatives appeal a decision made by the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO) regarding complaints lodged. When this happens, the matter is referred…

Fairness for All: Case 9

The case below describes how SARS delayed payment of a refund to a taxpayer, even after it had allowed an objection to the assessment raised, by repeatedly paying the refund…

Fair Play