Fairness for all

Fairness for all: Case 20

Some taxpayers may be under the impression that the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO) onlyassists taxpayers with complaints against the South African Revenue Service (SARS) if there aretax refunds…

Fairness for all: Case 19

In July 2022, SARS issued more than three million income tax auto-assessments to individual non-provisional taxpayers. It is crucial to understand that the process for dealing with auto-assessments is slightly…

Fairness for all: Case 18

When a tax complaint deals with more than one issue, it may lead to confusion at the South African Revenue Service (SARS), as the case below shows.

Fairness for all: Case 17

The Office of the Tax Ombud is pleased to share the 17th issue of its monthly case study newsletter Fairness for All. The newsletter seeks to educate taxpayers about the…

Fair Play

Fair Play 25

Welcome to our second quarter issue of Fair Play!  We are excited about this issue because the Office of the Tax Ombud’s educational campaign continues to provide insights on promoting…

Fair Play 24

The theme of the current edition is “Balancing  taxpayers’ rights and obligations”, and the articles and insights featured in this issue seek to do precisely that by providing informative material…

Fair Play 23

The theme of this edition is “Embracing taxpayer rights and obligations”, underlining the ongoing efforts of the Office of the Tax Ombud to ensure fairness when taxpayers deal with SARS.

Fair Play 22

This The celebration of the OTO’s 8th anniversary is an exciting milestone. During this period, the Office has taken great strides to make a difference to the lives of taxpayers…