Fairness for All: Case 7
Fairness for all Case 6 feature 2 | Office of the Tax Ombud

The Tax Season is upon us, and as per tradition, the OTO expects an influx of complaints from taxpayers. Some of the issues might seem small but have serious financial implications for taxpayers. The case below involves SARS delaying finalising the verification of a VAT period which subsequently led to a delay in the verification […]

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Fairness for All: Case 6
Fairness for all Case 6 feature 2 | Office of the Tax Ombud

The Office of the Tax Ombud is committed to helping improve the country’s tax administration system by, among others, protecting taxpayers’ rights. But there are instances where the actions of tax complainants are questionable, and the Tax Ombud would rule in favour of the South African Revenue Service or reject a tax complaint outright. Remember, […]

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Fairness for All: Case 5
Fairness for all Case 6 feature 2 | Office of the Tax Ombud

In this issue we feature a critical intervention by the Office of the Tax Ombud that earned the Office a testimonial from a taxpayer. The intervention led to SARS paying the taxpayer R86 573.64 in VAT refunds, inclusive of interest. The OTO reiterates that while it will do everything possible to protect taxpayers’ rights, it […]

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Fairness for All: Case 4
Fairness for all Case 6 feature 2 | Office of the Tax Ombud

In this issue we discuss a critical intervention by the Office of the Tax Ombud that led to SARS refunding close to R196 000.00 to a taxpayer after the money was unfairly taken from its bank accounts. The Tax Ombud Judge Bernard Ngoepe always reiterates the importance of tax compliance and the rights of taxpayers […]

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