Following the tabling of the Office of the Tax Ombud (“OTO”) 2023/24 Annual Report by the Minister of Finance in Parliament on 18 September 2024, today, on 6 November 2024, – the OTO launched its 2023/24 Annual Report in collaboration with the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (“SACCI”).
In demonstrating its commitment to transparency and good governance practices, the OTO enabled taxpayers and stakeholders to scrutinise the OTO’s performance achievements and challenges in the previous financial year. The launch, attended by individual taxpayers, Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises, Recognised Controlling Bodies, government and South African Revenue Service representatives, highlighted the growing demand for OTO services and the significant difference the OTO made in the lives of taxpayers, all while promoting taxpayer rights and tax compliance.
The OTO had a busy 2023/24 financial year, with its contact centre receiving 17 014 contacts, 12 338 of which were queries and 4 676 complaints. This is an increase of 13.28% compared to
15 020 contacts from the previous year. Queries and complaints also increased by 12.10% and 16.49%, respectively, compared to the 2022/23 period. Although the OTO’s recommendations are non-binding, SARS implemented 99.77% of them.
The OTO stated that during the reporting period, 4,618 complaints were validated, an increase of 16.62% compared to the 3,960 complaints of 2022/23. In addition, the total amount of the top 10 taxpayer refunds through our interventions has increased to over R179 million compared to R103 million in the previous year.
The OTO highlighted that more taxpayers were contacting the OTO directly for assistance instead of going through taxpayer representatives, a sign that more were becoming aware of the OTO and the free services it provides.
The OTO is grateful to SACCI for collaborating with them in launching its 2023/24 Annual Report, the stakeholders for working together in creating awareness and promoting the OTO services, as well as continuous support in holding the OTO accountable and ensuring that it delivers on its mandate, and Team OTO, for their dedication and commitment in protecting taxpayer rights and promoting tax compliance.